Christopher Peter Meloni (born Christopher Peter Meloni) is an American actor who is best known as a character on the well-known television series Law & Order Special Victims Unit. In his first years of college, Meloni was interested in acting. After that, he attended The University of Colorado at Boulder. Although he's been active on film and television but it was his character on the small screen that gave him popularity and much fans. The ability of his characters to appear from both sides of the law is what has caught the attention of the public. His first project was a television show, but he later played an officer for the NYPD. He's been nominated numerous times for prestigious Emmy Awards and the PRISM Awards for his smaller screen appearances. His signature piercing, blue eyes which have been said to make him look handsome. They have helped to portray the rough characters in an enthralling manner. People's magazine's 2006 list for Sexiest Men Alive included him.
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